
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Boston and Karmaloop

It was Steve O, Garrett, Kevin Kiraly and myself up in Boston this weekend. First we stopped in BK and rode some of Steve O's hometown spots, and I ended up dislocating my stupid fucking loose shoulder wall riding down this sketchy fence. Next we headed for Boston speeding fast as fuck while complaining about how much better the ride would be with some lungdust. We got into the city late that night. The first day was good for the most part, we ended up getting some rain. Garrett and Kevin ended up splitting up while me and Steve O stopped in at Karma Loop. Karma Loop is a street wear mail-order based out of Boston. Steve-O is a rep for them, every week they let a rep shout out on there site and promote his rep code or whatever. The marketing dude, Dennis Todisco hooked us up with some clothes and shit which was cool. We met back up with them at this out long out ledge, Kevin was doing some sick shit until this dude started fucking with us. The rest of the trip was sick.. Local kids hooked it up, we partied rode and schemed all weekend. Check out Karmaloop.com and enter DEADLINE at your checkout to receive 20% off your order. -ca