Thursday, August 19, 2010
Flick Friday 08/20/10
Heres the second installment of Flick Friday!. This one is of Colin Varanyak doing not a bonored hard 180 over a rail. This photo was from our most recent hell ride to Ohio (AKA the state of Hot Dog Salads). We spent a couple of days fucking around in Columbus and we couldn't find any green (best reason to leave), but we did see Stevie Hamilton Cruising around in true savage fashion(best reason to stay nh). When we got to our next city we couldn't believe the campus! Not a single spot there could be called lockstock. This over rail setup was just one of the gems on that campus. Colin not only killed this spot but pretty much every spot that we went to on that trip. Dudes got a death wish for sure. But anways Shout outs to Bobby Simmons and his crew for hooking up the headie connect nh and showing us a hellish time on our last day. You'll have to wait to see the Deadline DVD to see what other buck shit went down over this rail and its def worth the wait. Till next time. Dudes keep it savage, ladies keep it loose.-Marshall