This weekend on Saturday the 24th, my good friends over at who manage a shitload of talented people are Hosting a Show/Party at the redbull space in Lower Manhattan. Not everyone can come, but most of us will be there (being as SkotchDavis is all about DEADLINE). If you live in the tri-state area you should try and make it out. RSVP at
Before the trip, Marshall made a deal with Cody over at ESPN for some exclusive Deadline shit from Barcelona. Well his updates kind of suck and don't even mention the right people in it, or even some people at all. Anyway, they posted day 1and 2 of the trip I guess and there are some photos. Im hoping the rest of the updates will be a little better. Go check em out!
Now I don't wanna turn this into a personal Blog, but I must stress everyone go cop the homie FASHAWN'S new album"Boy Meets World"... Ive had the pleasure of listening to it for the past week or so, and its actually awesome. It comes out today, so go get that!!!