
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My G5 decided to crash on me yesterday, so now I'm stuck with my old G4 tibook, this is putting a hault to any video stuff, fuck!I changed the blog around a little bit. New navigation and what not, im still working out some kinks. but I'm about to go ride a bit with JO. peace

Sunday, April 27, 2008

So I have been slacking on blog updates because I have been working. I opened up a henna/airbrush stand in Seaside Heights, so that takes up lots of my time. That leaves late night sessions as the modus operandi. Excpect fewer updates from me in the next few months until we all head out to San Diego.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A youtube comment in reference to Augie... I just thought this was funny.

on1115 (1 day ago)

yo he lives in my town he cut me off at the skatepark today yuuhhhssss


Adam Borche with a sleeveless topside double peg?
Then its the infamously gnarly Garrett Aurthur Reynolds with a jedi icepick in the DLT.

Stills Skillzzz by Doug Polle

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Have a nice day

Sunday, April 13, 2008


FUCKIN DUDES GETTING WILD ON TRAILS!!!! OK. We have been slacking/ not motivated for the past week... Garrett has been chillen home taking down his garage ramps, kinda sad but its going to open up a lot of space for new stuff to go up, we will keep you up to date with that. We are looking at some merch to put out in the near future, we have all had input with designs and have some cool ideas. stay hellsih


Sunday, April 6, 2008

John Jennings's (?) trails are running really good from what I hear. I would not know, seeing that I can't ride trails. Here are some photos by Doug Polle to tickle your fancy.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

check out this new web edit.

New Web Edit... from Cory Asraf on Vimeo.